Ophthalmology is a branch of veterinary medicine that deals with the diagnosis a treatment of disorders of the eye. Our board certified veterinary ophthalmologists and ophthalmology team are dedicated
to providing patient-centered eye care for all species.
Clients are welcome to call for an appointment or obtain a referral from their primary care veterinarian when seeking diagnostic testing and treatment options for an eye condition. Veterinarians are welcome to call anytime for a consultation or for immediate emergency referral of a patient.
Patients with a systemic disease may also benefit from an ophthalmic exam as many diseases will affect the eyes. Identifying eye involvement with a systemic disease can help in the diagnosis of the disease and/or help prevent vision loss from the ocular involvement.
- Conditions and Diseases Treated
Abnormal position, Abnormal hairs, Tumor, Inflammation (blepharitis), Scrolled nictitans cartilage, Nictitan Lacerations
Ulceration, Perforation, Foreign body, Inflammation (keratitis), Dermoid, Tumor, Sequestrum, Feline herpes virus infection
Inflammation (uveitis), Tumor, Glaucoma, Foreign body, Cataract, Lens luxation, Retinal detachment
Dry eye, Abnormal tear drainage, Chronic tearing
Prolapsed tear gland (cherry eye), Optic nerve, Inflammation (optic neuritis), TumorOrbit
Infection, Tumor, Myositis, Cysts
Horner’s Syndrome, Facial nerve paralysis, Blindness localization
Trauma to the eye or surrounding tissues
In addition to treating specific ocular diseases, we offer OFA Eye Certification examinations for dogs that will be bred or those currently in a breeding program.
- Diagnostic Tests
In addition to routine ophthalmic tests, such as measuring tear production and fluorescein staining, the following specialized diagnostics are available:
- Tonometry (measuring intraocular pressure)
- Electroretinography (evaluates the health of the retina)
- Ocular ultrasound
- Gonioscopy (examination of the filtration angle in the eye for at-risk glaucoma patients)
- Blood pressure measurement (for hypertensive retinal detachment)
- Retinal imaging
- Imaging of the orbit and surrounding tissues by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Dacryocystorhinography (imaging of the nasolacrimal system)
- Diagnostic intraocular aspirates including aqueous, iris, vitreous and subretinal
- Surgical Procedures
Many of the surgeries are performed under an operating microscope due to the delicate nature of the surgery. Surgical lasers including the carbon dioxide laser and diode laser are commonly used for ophthalmic surgery.
entropion and ectropion correction, ectopic cilia removal, distichia cryoepilation, medial canthoplasty, tumor excision with adjunct reconstruction, chemotherapy, laser ablation, cryotherapy or photodynamic therapy (PDT), eversion of scrolled cartilageLacrimal System
repositioning of prolapsed nictitans gland (cherry eye), parotid duct transposition (PDT) for end stage dry eyeCornea
reconstructive surgeries (tissue grafts, corneal grafts), dermoid, sequestrum and foreign body removal, tumor excision with adjunct laser ablation or cryotherapy, grid and diamond burr keratotomy (outpatient), corneal intrastromal injection for fungal keratitis (outpatient)Cataract/Lens
cataract surgery with intraocular lens implants, lens removal for lens luxationGlaucoma
endolaser and transscleral laser ciliary body ablation valve placement
foreign body removalRetina
laser retinopexy for retinal detachmentGlobe and Orbit
prosthesis surgery (evisceration with intraocular prosthesis), eye removal (enucleation) with or without an intraorbital prosthesis, exenteration for orbital tumor, orbital eploratory surgery